Call of duty black ops 2 pc key
Call of duty black ops 2 pc key

This is very useful if the box is across the map and you need it. You can also give the prisoner candy by any available Mystery Box spot and he'll search for the current box and place it at the spot where you want it. Face a workbench and give him Candy, and he will find all the parts and build the items for you at the workbench. Make note: when the prisoner kills zombies, you will not earn any points.Īnother use of Candy for the Prisoner is to create Buildable Equipment. You may need to face a crawler when giving the candy to the Prisoner to pull that off. He will instantly kill one zombie at a time as it gets near you, and he will even pick up Crawlers to make sure they don't die or injure you as you get things down. Candy will allow the Prisoner to protect you for a short time. Look for any candy that has a sparkle to find the right one to pick up.

call of duty black ops 2 pc key

Breaking obstacles will net the user a couple hundred points (more as range increases my record is ~1800).Ĭandy can also be given to the prisoner from the Confectionery. If your back is to the debris, the prisoner will run in the opposite direction. Before giving the prisoner some booze, make sure you are facing the debris you want him to break. Booze can either be found in the cell or the Saloon one will spawn each round either in his cell or in the saloon. A lot of debris can still be bought like doors, but some must be broken through. Giving the prisoner booze is the only way to break certain obstacles or debris around the map. Give it to him to open the front door of the Jailhouse.

Call of duty black ops 2 pc key free#

The first time you free him, you will need to give him the booze that is also in the cell. This man can be freed by carrying a key from a key hanger and using it on the cell door. Inside the Jailhouse is a very large man who is locked up. Some say his name is Elroy, some say it's Leroy, we just call him the prisoner or the giant. The weapon will cost the same price it always does, and ammo will be half the price.Īnother new feature is the big prisoner. The wallbuys will act just like any other wallbuy.

call of duty black ops 2 pc key

The last chalk weapon will grant you 2000 points, which is why many players always draw the wall weapons first so they can get an easy 7000 points quickly, easy, and early.

call of duty black ops 2 pc key

See their respective pages for more information.īuried allows you to take chalk weapons from the wall and create your own "Wallbuy." Basically, if you see a fully chalked-in weapon on a wall, interact with it to carry that chalk like equipment parts, interact with a question mark on a wall and you will earn 1000 Points and create a wallbuy for that particular weapon at that location for the rest of the game! There are a total of six weapons that can be placed on walls. See also the Buried Easter Eggs and Vengeance Achievements and TrophiesĪ few new mechanics have been added to this map, along with a new Perk-A-Cola Machine called the Vulture-Aid, and four new Zombies Weapons: Ray Gun Mark II, Paralyzer, Remington New Model Army, Time Bomb.

Call of duty black ops 2 pc key